This academic year´s final wellbeing webinar for teachers, about this term's theme of Compassion, Self-compassion and Gratitude, was led by Rhiannon Phillips-Bianco from RIS Rome.
It started with some wonderful examples of wellbeing activities and events that have been run in many of our schools so far this year. These included beautiful displays of kindness cups, kindness trees and kindness walls; puzzle pieces and odd socks to celebrate our individuality and diversity; and activities to name, tame and explore emotions.
As always, the webinar focused on the importance of using data to inform our planning of wellbeing workshops; explained the theory and research behind it; and shared practical strategies that teachers can use in the classroom.
Participants were encouraged, for example, to use the Bantometer to raise awareness about the language we use and the impact it has on others; and were given examples of the language we can use to show compassion when someone is struggling. Our instinct may be to say 'Don't cry' or 'It'll be fine' and yet the simple words 'How can I help?' can have a far more positive impact.
A greater focus was on self-compassion, as data often shows that our students' self-regard is low and that they can be tough on themselves. It is very common for us to experience ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and one way to challenge them is to be our own REF - Is the thought Realistic? What Evidence do you have? And, often most helpfully, What would you say to a Friend (it's amazing how much kinder we are to our friends than to ourselves).
If we are struggling to be self-compassionate, then research has shown that expressing gratitude can be of great benefit to our wellbeing. Practical suggestions in the webinar included prompts for Gratitude Journals and a Gratitude Scavenger hunt.
For more practical ideas about these wellbeing topics, watch the webinar recording by clicking here and check-out the resources.
Gratitude journal prompts free resource: Click here.
Gratitude research - Click here
Globeducate Safeguarding and Welfare Officer Katherine Tyler said:
"Another inspirational webinar from Rhiannon! We are very lucky that she is so generous with her time and expertise. And yes it was wonderful to see the message of kindness being shared across our schools in so many different countries. Thanks to all our colleagues who have supported us with this initiative, making time in busy schedules to prioritise students’ wellbeing."
Read more about Wellbeing in Globeducate schools - click here.