ICS Milan
ICS Milan was founded in 2017 following a merger of the KC Infant and Primary schools with the Ludum Design School. Both of these projects were founded in 2009 and their joint story commenced five years ago when the KC Ludum primary school was launched. The school offers a cosmopolitan education.
General information
Age: 12 months to 18 years
Curriculum: English National Curriculum (EYFS, Infants), Cambridge Primary, IPC, Italian Primary Curriculum, International Baccalaureate (MYP)
Type of school: International day school
Main language/s: English and Italian
Other languages: Spanish and French
Phone: (+39) 02 36592694
Email: admissions@icsmilan.com
Country: Italy
City: Milan
Address: ICS Symbiosis, Viale Ortles, 46, 20139 Milan; ICS Tenca, Via Carlo Tenca, 2, 20124, Milan; ICS Colletta, Via Colletta, 27, 20135; ICS Milano 2, Strada di Spina, Via Fratelli Cervi, 20090 Segrate, Milan.
Uniting tradition with excellence
ICS Milan is dedicated to educating children aged from 3 months to 12 years old and offers an international curriculum driven by a desire for excellence in working methods and collaborative learning. The school is a centre for educational innovation built upon the fundamental principle of education as a preparation for playing an active and successful role within the international community.
The school embraces the values inherent in Italian heritage, culture and tradition whilst promoting international learning, cultural diversity, dialogue and a respect for difference. ICS Milan fosters a sense of discovery and cultural understanding via teaching methods that are designed to develop observational and research skills, critical thinking and independent learning.
ICS Milan believes in teaching students to embrace creativity, responsibility, respect, diversity, compassion and shared values. Students are invited to develop a sound knowledge base and to reflect on and reassess their surroundings from a variety of perspectives.
ICS Milan is undergoing a phase of rapid expansion. In September 2018 a primary school opened in Via Carlo Tenca in addition to the group’s first secondary school now located at ICS Symbiosis, which opened in January 2021, along with ICS Colletta. ICS Milan will ultimately offer a fully international education to children aged from 12 months to 18 years at all curriculum stages from pre-school to pre-university.
ICS Milan joined Globeducate in 2017.